New Generation Care Foundation in Hisar
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that 284 million people use drugs worldwide in its World Drug Report 2022. According to the data, India has one of the largest opiate markets in the world. India's youth are among the groups most impacted by the issue. More than 60% of all illegal narcotics found in India come from Punjab. According to a poll, most addicts are between the ages of 15 and 35, and a large percentage of them are unemployed.
Misuse of drugs poses a serious risk to society. The chance of unintentional harm, accidents, domestic violence, health problems, and mortality increases with drug misuse. Drug addicts' ability to make money is severely limited. Either they are unable to enter the workforce or, if they do, they depart the company with absenteeism and other issues. Personal relationships are affected, as are those with family, friends, and society. In drug users, low self-esteem and despondency can both influence criminal behaviour and even suicidal thoughts.
Because of everything mentioned above, it is crucial to establish a Nasha Mukti Kendra that is helpful and completely functional to help individuals in need. Here's where a well-known facility for addiction recovery comes into play: Foundation for New Generation Care. We are recognized for our never-ending efforts to help alcoholics and drug addicts in order to better society. Here, we use the information and experience we've gained over the years to better people's lives. Additionally, Nasha Mukti Kendra like ours is always striving to make a meaningful contribution to society by helping people who are battling addiction.
Rajbir Singh established the New Generation Care Foundation in 2000; it is mostly based in Patiala, Punjab. However, we are committed to offering the greatest support and care for drug and alcohol addiction to people in North India. In this endeavour, we have already aided numerous individuals in overcoming these challenges and progressing toward worthwhile and significant lives.
What makes us the best?
In our efforts to assist people in recovering from addiction, we recognise that while the majority of people think that addicts have a choice, they truly require expert assistance because addiction is a chronic disorder. It is crucial to understand that drug addiction affects families as well as drug users in this situation.We also know that they go through financial hardship, struggle with social implications, and experience psychological anguish. We collaborate with the patients to help them overcome their substance abuse-related struggles and lead fulfilling lives.
Alcohol addiction Treatment
With the help of expert doctors and unique expertise ways and techniques of treatments here at New Generation care we are intend to cure drug addicted persons who are addicted to various types of drugs, so we are providing best nasha mukti services in Punjab, Haryana, himachal Pradesh and jammu Kashmir.
Drug addiction Treatment
As western styles are being highly transforming the youth of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and other states and the youths are becoming day by day addict to these drugs, we at New Generation care are working hard to transform drug addicted people to de addiction by giving them healthy treatment and lifestyle.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Here at best nasha mukti Kendra in Punjab we have expertise and specialized team of doctors who follow dual diagnose treatment, drug addicted patient at this stage is suffering from mental illness, sickness, comorbid substance abuse problems. We here at best de addicted centre in Punjab hospitalize patients who have great dependency of drugs and are in depression
Addiction Treatment
As due to modernization drug addiction is raising in a tremendous manner and drug addicted youths graph is raising in Punjab, Haryana, himachal and jammu Kashmir, we here at best nasha mukti Kendra giving treatments to drug addicts, as these drugs generate high amount of energy which leads to high blood pressure and various other diseases, so at government approved best nasha mukti Kendra in Punjab, Haryana, himachal and jammu we are giving best treatment and de addiction therapies which leads to drastic changed behavior of person.
Detox Treatment
New Generation care is providing best Detox treatment to drug addicted perople in north India, till date 4600 drug addicted patients are transformed to de addiction and this leads to best nasha mukti Kendra in Punjab, Haryana, himachal, jammu and other states of India.
Heroin addiction Treatment
Opioid which are used in cold and cough syrups in limited quantities now a days youths are taking Heroin a kind of opioid by increasing its prescribed dose from 15-25 percent which leads to drug addiction of opioid, here at new generation care we use lots of therapies and meditation techniques and defoliation for making youth de addicted to these drugs. So here at best nasha mukti Kendra in punajb, Haryana and himachal we are giving best de addiction treatment for Heroin